One Cloud - One Retail Solution

360° Retail Software
Make your outlets and distribution centers smart and
intelligent. Wireless, Remotely monitored and controlled using
End-to-End operations including Door
Delivery/Last Mile.

Retail Cloud - Go Online in hours
Just subscribe to Digital Commerce services and start your
online business.
Retail Cloud, gives you Commerce Site by default. You stay
focused on online products.

Go Mobile Shopping App
You can empower your customers by making the shopping possible
from any where.
Your customers can do shopping using
their mobile and track the delivery.

One Retail Cloud - All Channels
Your customers can have seamless experience across all purchase
Cloud supports GPS Fencing so that your
customers can order only from specific service zones.

Smart Outlets - IoT Monitoring
With TechnoLabs
Retail Cloud, you can monitor and control the outlets using IoT
technologies. Retailers can use IoT starting from foot-falls to
monitoring of POS counters.
Smart shelves Beacons,
Digital Signage, Remote Sales support for Virtual shopping are
few cases IoT can be applied.

Retail Cloud - AI & Analytics
Given our years of experience in Retail Business, we rolled out
Analytics service. Our customers can subscribe to Analytics
Service and get access to prescriptive and predictive
We can help you in extracting the old
business data, transform and load into our data sets.
The Retail Software Platform.No Plug,it is just Play.
You can configure and activate retail store operations just in less than two hours. Comprehensive Retail Cloud that offers services on SaaS basis. Retailers can subscribe to mix and match of services and pay as they use services. Rebotized Environment using which you can configure,operate,monitor and control your Retail Business.
- No Upfront Cost. Pay As You Use
- Mix & Match of Services. Pay only for specific services.
- No Support & Maintenance cost.
- 100% Availability - Support to Offline.
- 360° Retail Platform - Labelling to Last mile
- Per Device Licensing - No limit on no of users
- Rebotized, Complete remote configuration and control
- Support to Android, Windows and iOS
- True Omnni Channel Platform
- Scalable and proven. Can Support millions of Transactions/day
- Advanced Services - IoT Outlet Monitoring, AI-Retail Analytics

The Retail Solution - SaaS Services we offer!
- Brick &Mortar - Warehouse & Outlet Managements
- Digital Commerce - Commerce Site & Mobile App
- Omni Channel Management
- Logistics & Door Delivery
- Queue Busting
- Self Checkouts
- Customer Loyalty
- IoT - Outlet Monitoring &Control
- AI - Retail Analytics
You can subscribe to one or more services, we offer. Please call us for the best package options.
Let us hear what Customers Say
Customers appreciation is the real benchmark for measuring the utility and usability of a product. We are happy to announce our customer do valuable branding for TechnoLabs products and innovation. We express our gratitude to our Customers who gave us very interesting and challenging Business Cases.



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